Friday, 28 January 2011

Album Cover Of

Micheal Jacksons Thriller

The reason for my choice of album to remake is firstly because I like the song Thriller, and also I thought I would of been able to create something that represented it really well. While I was watching the video for Thriller I got the idea of making the album cover dark and quite scary, as the video is set at night time I thought that the cover should connect with the video so I made it look like it is night time by using black as the background and using a moon brush on photoshop. In the video there are zombies which come alive, and then start dancing with Micheal Jackson, as the zombie's are a big part in this video I thought I would make the zombies the centre of attention, so I downloaded some zombie brushes and found a suitable one for the cover. My design is completely different to the original, the original has a picture of Micheal Jackson on the front just posing. 

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