Monday 27 September 2010

Camera Shots.

Close Up

On face, bodypart, object often used to show emotion and detail.

Extreme Close Up 


Focusing on detail, can make an everyday object look abstract.

High Angle

Camera points down from above eyeline looking down at the subject. Can indicate low status or vulnerability.

Mid Shot

To waist provides information on clothes, body language etc.

Point Of View

Provides perspective from a particular characters point of view, The audience experiences the action through that character.

Low Angle

Camera points up from below eyeline. Can indicate power or intimidation.

Long Shot

Full figure contextualises character in location.

Canted Angle

A Shot deliberately slanted to one side for dramatic effect.

Over The Shoulder

View from over the characters shoulder usually from behind.

Friday 17 September 2010

Opie Style Pictures.

My Attempt.

In lesson we used photoshop to create a Julian Opie styled picture of ourselves. First we took a picture of ourselves using the laptops or picked a picture from facebook to use to create the affect. We then had to use   the pen tool to create paths, the paths allowed us to cut out bits of the image, not properly cut them out it just put a line around it and it allowed us to work on separate bits of the image.
Watching Nick do it on the white board it looked really easy to do, but when it came to our turn to try it out, it was frustrating and irritating. Using the paths you had to try your best to get it where you wanted as you would have to go back and try to do it again, I felt like giving up many times, but knew I could complete it, it would just take a bit of time. Everything went really well until i tried to add more detail into my hair as it looked boring a just a block of colour. In order to add more detail I had to create more paths, the paths I made in my hair didn't look right and i ended up getting very agitated, I then decided to only add a little bit of detail and to leave the rest. I really enjoyed the lesson and how my final image turned out.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Misfits Analysis!


What Stereotypes/Characters Do We Find In Misfits? 

In Misfits there are 6 young offenders who are facing the consequences for their criminal actions. Gary, Curtis, Alisha, Nathan, Simon and Kelly. Each character has a very different personality to each other. Gary is a typical "rudeboy" he wears a flat peek hat which helps creates the image of a "rudeboy" . Curtis is a born athlete all he wants to do is compete, he's tall and slim which is the perfect build for running athletes. Alisha is a typical girly girl. She's confident, loves herself and a bit of a party animal. Nathan is a bubbly Irish lad, he's always making fun of the others who are doing community service, he's mouthy and doesn't care what he says to who. Kelly is what's known as a "chav" in appearance she isn't one bit girly. She says whats on her mind and shows that she ain't scared of anyone. Simon who is known as the "weird" one is quiet and generally keeps himself to himself.

How Are The Stereotypes Created?

With Gary his stereotype of a "Rudeboy" is created by his clothes, how he talks mostly in slang, his body language, facial expressions and his attitude towards things. In the first episode he was wearing a flat peek hat, which a lot of people relate to rudeboys through them. He has a very strong London accent, and all of his sentences are made with slang words. His body language is very laid back like he doesn't have a care in the world, but then he can change and appear very aggressive.
Alisha's stereotype of a "S**g" is created by her attitude, how she flaunts her self, maybe how she might dress a bit. When Alisha is sitting with Curtis and Nathan telling them her story how she ended up doing community service, in her story she says: "This cop yeah, he hands me the breathalyser and I go do I suck? Or blow?" and then starts pretending the bottle is the breathalyser and starts licking and sucking it, which shows she is confident as thinks she is very attractive/sexy to get away with that.
Kelly's stereotype of a "Chav" is created by her slang talking, how she dresses, how she does her hair, the jewellery she wears and her attitude. She wears tracksuits with trainers and would be known as a bit of a tom boy, she has her hair tightly brushed back into a high ponytail which is stereotyped to how chavs have their hair. She wears a lot of gold jewellery, for example; earrings, necklaces, bracelets.
Simon's stereotype of a "weirdo" is created by how he acts, he is very quiet and acts nervous when others speak to him. He seems paranoid and maybe a bit suspicious.

In The Second Clip How Have The Representations Changed?

In the second clip alot has changed in a short amount of time, they are confused and deffinatly not their normal selves. The are constantly thinking about what has happened and how it has changed everything for them, they didn't think something so serious would ever happen to them, it has made them think in a complete different way. Alisha doesn't understand why this has happend, I think it had made a big difference as in the clip she was getting ready to go out on the town, and then ended up taking out her earrings and looks worried. Kelly hates her power, she had a problem before with what people said about her and now she can hear their thoughts, she ends up getting angry and upset over it and wishes she never had the power.