Friday 26 November 2010

Friday 26th

Filming and Creating Still Shots

Today Sophie was late due to trains being cancelled then re-opening, and Genny couldn't get in at all. So while Sophie was making her way to college I done some blogs and got the camera and props ready to start filming, Finally Sophie got in and we got to work straight away, first of all we re-shot the filing cabnet title, this became difficult trying to zoom in and move the camera at the same time gracefully, we tried it several times and in the end decided to film the close up of the degree prop and the zoom/close up of the title on te top filing draw seperatly and would then later edit it in final cut. The Re-make is set in a school and we wanted to include location in the title sequence, so I think a filing cabnet is a good prop for a school setting.
We then went onto the Art Direction shot, our original idea was to have paint brushes and on one of them to have the wood carved off the end of the handle and to have the credit written in pen on the wood. But after the feedback lesson we needed to add horror to our sequence so we decided to change the shot. The first idea was to make a pool of red paint to make it look like a pool of blood on some paper and wringing the credits in the paintusing our fingers, we asked Dave for some red paint but unfortuatley he couldn't find some instead of paint he brought us red ink, so we poured some red ink onto some glossy paper and it looked really good. Sophie told me to try write the credit with my finger and the ink just went back in its place, in result to that idea the ink stained my fingernail! We then had the genious idea of taking a still picture and editing the credit text inon Photoshop

                                                             <----Original Idea's---->


<----Making The Still---->   

Edited In Photoshop

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