Today was the big day to get the rest of our filming done, we had planned to film in the forest/woods area on Long Road site, we had lent our drum kit to Nathan's group and they had set it up on the stage in the main hall. After lunch Sophie, Leanne and I dismantled most of the drum kit and carried it out of the hall to the lift that goes down to the reception, we had to do it bit by bit as the lift can't carry a lot of weight. After getting it to the reception we then had to carry it outside to the woods, luckily just as we was about to start moving it all Steve appeared and offered too help carry the equipment out to the area.

we thought that Leanne and I could be walking down the forest path while Leanne would be singing and I would be rocking out on my guitar, Sophie would be walking slowly backwards while recording us walking towards her, we had quite a lot of fun with this shot, and had to try and keep a straight face through out it. Leanne had another idea for a shot, it was getting to the end of the day and we were all knackered from filming for the past 3 hours, this shot would just include Leanne this meant that one of us could film the last shot of Leanne and one of us could start packing up all the instruments and props, I would be filming Leanne and Sophie would start packing up all our equipment. The shot took 5 minutes to film and then we were off too help Sophie with the equipment, we had to dismantle the drum kit again, luckily this was the last time we would be doing this as we had finished using it, we took the drum kit to B102 were it would stay until it got picked up.
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